Gss 2016 codebook
Gss 2016 codebook

gss 2016 codebook gss 2016 codebook

Keywords KGSS, Korean General Social Survey, policy evaluation, satisfaction with economy, party affiliation, vote, distrust, crime victim, crime injury, social distance, social status, inequality, income inequality, distributive justice, government role, income, intergroup conflict, religion, gender role, regional sentiment, interpersonal relations, education, values, marriage, premarital sex, abortion, extramarital sex, work oriented, labor oriented, work orientation, work satisfaction, organizational commitment, intention of job change, job search, seeking work, government policy, trust Topics General Date of Collection 2003-02~2003-03 Countries Korea Geographic Coverage South Korea including Jeju Unit of Analysis individual Universe person aged 18 and over Time Method repeated cross-sectional study Data Collector(s) Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Gallup Korea Freq. It includes the Replicating Core questionnaire and topic modules specially selected for the KGSS pilot study,, and. This survey was a pilot study for the Korean General Social Survey. This survey is made up of the replicating core, the annual topic modules of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) member states’ collaborative survey, topic modules of the East Asian Social Survey (EASS) the biannual collaborative survey of four member states: Korea, China, Japan, and Thailand, as well as topic modules for special research. The KGSS was formulated after the General Social Survey (GSS) model of the National Opinion research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, with the partial inclusions of contents from GSS models used in European and East Asian countries and accommodating the distinctive particularities of Korean society.


Principal Investigator(s) Cha, Jong-Chun / Department of Sociology, Sungkyunkwan University Co-Investigator(s) Kim, Sang-Wook / Department of Sociology, Sungkyunkwan University Lee, Hye-Kyung / Department of Sociology, Paichai University Nahm, Choon-Ho / Department of Sociology, Jeonbuk National University Park, Kyung Sook / Department of Sociology, Dong-a University Lee, Jung-Whan / Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Chung, Ki-Seon / Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Producer(s) Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Copyright Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Depositor(s) Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University Date of Deposit 2004-01 Distributor(s) Korea Social Science Data Archive (KOSSDA) Date of Distribution 2004-09 Version V1.0 Date of Version Abstract The Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), through an annual national sample survey, aims to provide basic social science data made readily available for comprehensive use in the study of Korean social structure and its changes as well as international comparative studies. Korea Social Science Data Archive (KOSSDA), 2004-09.

gss 2016 codebook

Survey Research Center, Sungkyunkwan University. Korean General Social Survey, a pilot study.


Data Type Survey data ID Number A1-2003-0005 Title Korean General Social Survey, a pilot study DOI URI Series Korean General Social Survey Citation Cha, Jong-Chun.

Gss 2016 codebook